
Are your employees Happy, Healthy and Hardworking?

This generation are more aware than ever of their working environment and how it can have an impact on their well being. This can be from what we are eating, to how we set up our workstation or how we are taking our lunch break. The workplace is somewhere we spend 8 hours a day […]

The importance of saying “thank you”

People feel truly engaged when they are part of a culture that values and inspires its employees. The key to employee engagement is to create the kind of culture that makes the work day better, that provides support to people’s everyday lives, and that gives a little bit more. Over 90% of employees feel employee […]

Why Avoid Common Interview Questions?

After many years in the talent/recruitment space, I have interviewed hundreds of candidates and would admit to asking many of the “common interview questions.” Although the intention is to ask them to make a decision about their suitability for a role, many of these questions are listed on the internet and therefore their answers to […]

Instructor-Led Training is a NO for Millennials?

Although we have all seen huge changes in the workplace, some organisations are still relying heavily on instructor-led training, which seems to be counter-intuitive for the modern learner, and this, in turn, can dilute the importance of the Managers role in the learning process. How do organisations approach this differently? Offer more flexible and accessible […]

What support mechanism is available in your business?

Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. In England, 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week* *(Figures provided by – This does not include patients in hospitals and prisons etc) These statistics […]

Global HR functions should feel proud

Organisations across the board should be proud of the leaps and bounds we have made in the use of technology in the HR function. We operate in a global business landscape, facilitated by technology. Most businesses are investing in enterprise technology and cloud software that drives their global business agendas forward and helps them make […]

Against all odds!

Our journey started in 2008 in the depths of the recession when the recruitment landscape looked a little different than it does today. eSift are a true success story, we saw a window of opportunity to support clients who where looking to reduce agency use and fill limited vacancies by direct sources. Thousands of people […]

How much is staff absence is costing you?

We all know staff absence is costly but what can you do to reduce that? Every HR leader understands the impact of absenteeism only too well: on productivity, on operational and legal costs, and even on brand reputation. But for many large organisations, quantifying that impact is tough – and reducing it, even harder. HR […]

Supporting employees who are caring for someone with dementia

As our population ages – and so too our workforce – dementia is becoming all too significant for many who are combining work and caring for older, sick or disabled parents and other loved ones. According to projections by Mercer in its Workforce Monitor Report, there will be 300,000 fewer workers under the age of […]